Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

3 Ph.D in Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Background and Aim: Assessing the physical fitness of students is necessary to improve their mental and physical health. The present research was Design and Compile the Norm of the second and first physical fitness of High school boys and girls students of South Khorasan province and its comparison with the national norm. Methods and Materials: The purpose of this research is applied studies and based on strategy, it is descriptive research, which was done by the field method. The statistical population of this research was all boy and girl students of high schools of South Khorasan province in the academic year of 2023-2024 (73,283) that by multi-stage cluster random sampling method; finally 392 people were selected based on Morgan's sampling table. Tests of sit-up, pull-up, sitting and reaching hands, runs of 540 meters were used.After recording the records in each test, descriptive statistics were used to classify and adjust the data, to determine the central tendency and dispersion indicators, Then, the standard norms were compiled using the levels under the natural curve and Z standard scores. To compare the mean of the norm measured characteristics, independent t-test was used at the significance level p≤0.05. Results: girl students 13-17 years in South Khorasan Province were higher than the national norm in abdominal muscle endurance; shoulder girdle muscle endurance, flexibility and respiratory-cardio endurance, boy students 13-17 years in South Khorasan Province had higher shoulder girdle muscle endurance and flexibility than the national norm. Conclusion: Physical fitness of girls was more favorable than the national norm, but in boys, abdominal muscle endurance and respiratory-cardio endurance were weaker than the national norm, which requires proper planning to strengthen these characteristics.
