Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Associate Professor at Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.


Background and Aim: Physical activity and using herbal supplements are essential for improving health, prevention and reduction of the complications of diseases caused by obesity. A recent study examined the effects of combining garlic and stevia extract with aerobic training on the structural changes of adipose tissue in obese rats. Materials and Methods: The study involved 35 obese male Wistar rats divided into seven groups of five: healthy control, obese control, obese + garlic, obese + stevia, obese + aerobic training, obese + garlic + aerobic training, and obese + stevia + aerobic training. Obesity was induced over 12 weeks, followed by aerobic training on a treadmill and consumption of garlic and stevia extract at a dose of 250 mg/kg dissolved in drinking water for eight weeks. Qualitative examination of structural changes in adipose tissue was conducted using light microscopy, and body weight was analyzed using one-way ANOVA at a significance level of p < 0.05. Results: Obesity leads to pathological alterations in white adipose tissue, such as cell enlargement, membrane disintegration, and the presence of small and indistinct nuclei, as well as mild pathological changes in brown adipose tissue, including the formation of numerous fat droplets. In the obese group, the consumption of garlic led to a reduction of changes in white adipose tissue to a minimum and zero changes in brown adipose tissue, although some inflammation and hyperemia were observed in adipose tissue. Meanwhile, consuming stevia resulted in minimum changes in white adipose cells, with no observed change in brown adipose tissue. When aerobic training was performed, as well as aerobic training in combination with garlic extract, all changes induced by obesity vanished. Conversely, aerobic training in combination with stevia led to minor alterations in white adipose tissue. Conclusion: Engaging in aerobic exercise, either on its own or in conjunction with garlic extract, has been shown to enhance the structural changes of adipose tissue in obese rats, regardless of weight reduction.


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