Document Type : Original Article



Background and Aim: Male obesity is associated with reduced semen quality and oxidative damage in the testis. However, the reversibility of these phenotypes is not clear, but exercise training can be effective factor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the reversibility of obesity, semen quality and testis oxidative damage markers in obese rat in response to swimming training. Materials and Methods: Twenty obese male rats were assigned to moderate exercise training (n = 10), and control (n = 10) groups. A matched control group of normal weight rats (n = 10) were also used for baseline comparison. The moderate exercise program (40-70 percent of heart rate, 60 min/day swimming, 3day/week) was conducted for 8 weeks. After the intervention, rats were anesthetized in separated group and testes tissues were isolated for evaluation of different parameters. Tissue slices were investigated by Hematoxylin and Eosin method and spermatogenesis was scored according to Johnsen score. Data was analyzed using ANOVA followed by the LSD post hoc test. A probability of less than 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: At the baseline, normal weight rats had significantly higher spermatogenesis quality (p<0.03) and total antioxidant capacities (p<0.02) than obese rats. In the exercise group,  spermatogenesis quality (p< 0.04) and testes total antioxidant capacities (p<0.02) were significantly increased, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA) levels (p<0.03) and body weight (p<0.002) were significantly decreased after the swimming training. Conclusion: The current findings demonstrate that moderate swimming training can lead to improvement in spermatogenesis quality in obese rats, at least in part by down-regulation of oxidative stress in testes.


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