Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran.



Semaphorin 3C and lipocalin 2 are relatively new adipokines. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of eight weeks of intense resistance and intermittent training on the expression of : semaphorin 3C, lipocalin 2 and Lee index in obese elderly rats. Materials and Methods In this experimental study, 30 elderly Wistar male rats with an average age of 22-20 months and an average initial weight of 250 ± 20 grams were divided into three groups: control, intense intermittent exercise and resistance exercise (each group ten rats). The resistance training protocol consisted of eight weeks and five weekly sessions of climbing a one-meter ladder with 26 steps and the intense interval training protocol included three warm-up parts, the main body consisting of periodic repetitions and cooling down. Real Time-PCR method was used to measure the expression of semaphorin 3C and lipocalin 2 genes. The statistical method of one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc test was used to determine the difference between groups at a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Results: The results of this study showed that both resistance and intense interval training models caused a significant decrease in Semaphorin 3C, lipocalin 2 gene expression and Lee's index compared to the control group. but no difference was observed between the experimental groups. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it seems that intense intermittent and resistance exercises with a positive effect on the expression of semaphorin 3C gene, lipocalin 2 and the Lee index can be considered as an effective solution in the field of increasing lipolysis and reducing disorders related to overweight and obesity. be taken It is also suggested to use this type of exercise in sports programs for the elderly as an effective exercise method to improve performance and body composition.
