Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D student of exercise physiology, Department of Sports Biology, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Sports Physiology, Department of Sports Biology, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Sports Physiology, Department of Sports Biology, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor of Pathology, Transfusion Research Center, Higher Educational and Research Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Tehran, Iran Education in Transfusion Medicine, Tehran


Background and Aim: Thrombotic events are common during old age and high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) is prescribed on the health of elderly individuals. Nevertheless, effects of high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) on hemostasis in elderly individuals have not been investigated. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the response of hemostatic factors to different HIIE protocols and moderate continuous exercise in elderly male wistar rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four elderly male wistar rats were divided into four groups. Rats in the high-intensity interval exercise with low-volume (HIIEL) group performed 14 bouts of 20s of activity with 10-second rests at an intensity of 110% of maximum tolerable load (MSL). Rats in the high intensity high-volume interval group (HIIEH) performed five bouts of four min swimming at 80% of MSL followed by three min rest and finally in the continuous group (CTN) the  rats swam for 35 min at 60% of MSL. The control group remained immersed in water for 35 minutes without activities. Blood samples were taken immediately after exercise for measuring lactate and hemostatic factors. The statistical analysis of the data was performed using one-way analysis of variance at a significance level of p<0.05. Results: Lactate concentration was increased following HIIEL in comparison to other groups. In addition, in the HIIEL and HIIEH groups, sports activity led to a significant increase in the Von Willebrand factor.  Although, the VIII factor and fibrinogen increased and decreased in both CTN and HIIEL groups, respectively and decreased and increased in HIIEH group, the changes were not significant. Also, significant changes in dimer levels, relative activated thromboplastin time and prothrombin time after swimming were not seen in any group. Conclusions: Based on higher increases in von Willebrand factor following intense interval exercise (compared to continuous exercise) it is concluded that moderate continuous exercise might be safer than HIIE during old age.


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